The Situation

The Challenge

Develop a brand identity system, that visually communicates HWA’s humanistic approach towards sustainable architecture, and their green philosophy, in a more relevant way.

The Response

The rebrand was based on the concept of bridging the gap between Humanity, and Architecture. The ‘W’ in Wysocki represents a classic shape in architecture, the arch, and also the bridge. Dimensionality was added to highlight HWA’s expertise in architecture, planning, and design, rather than bridge building, and civil engineering.

Futura Medium Condensed was selected for the logo, and headline text because the simple geometric forms mimic HWA’s international style of architecture: ornament is out of the question, repetitive geometric forms are used, and volume/space is emphasized. 


Trade Gothic was selected for the body text because the inconsistencies in the typesetting create a characterful, and organic feel. Trade Gothic is a workhorse type that balances Futura’s hard geometry, with humanist accents.

Futura Medium Condensed was selected for the logo, and headline text because the simple geometric forms mimic HWA’s international style of architecture: ornament is out of the question, repetitive geometric forms are used, and volume/space is emphasized. 


Trade Gothic was selected for the body text because the inconsistencies in the typesetting create a characterful, and organic feel. Trade Gothic is a workhorse type that balances Futura’s hard geometry, with humanist accents.

The Result

A rebrand that was codified into a flexible, consistent, and distinctive visual system.

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My name is Derek Edward, and I build brand systems. I approach complex and messy problems with a clear process, when it comes to visual design and brand strategy.